GREGG Ezekiel
Until the lions have their own historians the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter’ Chinua Achebe
It took until 2020 for industries to finally look into their companies to re-evaluate diversity in higher roles.
Many were too scared to release their board of executives due to lack of diversity. Though black & ethnic minorities have tirelessly contributed & created many of the things we take for granted and love today.
But finally there was the shift which we had been waiting for, which was unfortunately, at the cost of many black lives lost.
I can recall a time back in 2017 I was on my lunch break at work. A female colleague from another department came over to me and was like “are you the new guy? you fit the description”. I was taken aback. I bit my tongue and looked at my other colleague. Knowing full well what that “description”was. I was good at laughing things off and changing the subject back then because raising a complaint would be either be ignored, interrupted or I most likely would have been accused of overreacting. So I did just that laughed it off but in the back of my mind I couldn’t help thinking that 2 black men working on the same building should be able to go through the work day without being mistakenly identified. Being a similar height or build, colour to someone in the workplace doesn’t mean you’re automatically the same person. There should be more effort in getting to know your employees/colleagues more. Not simply pitch them against one another or dip them in the same pool.
It’s time for companies to support & nurture their black employees and pave the way for cultural excellence in all capacity. By breaking the barriers, that are too often used to block talented black people, allowing them to reach their full potential.
In 2019 I came across an article discussing the fact that many celebs of colour were forced to do their own hair on film sets because stylists didn’t have the products to cater for Afro hair that was needed to create the plethora of hairstyles black actors/actresses needed.
Instead they resorted to the “try to figure it out” method, once in the chair.
This lack of diversity and awareness made me bring my handmade samples to my friends music video shoot. To give her that extra shine she longed for on camera.
I gave my samples to a makeup artist who then used it on other shoots with other models of colour & one in particular RnB singer ‘Sir’.
I realised there was a hole in the market and that I was on to something.
2020 was a hard year, Losing my job as soon as the pandemic hit and adapting to the new normal made me realise it was time to be creative with my life. So I put my “now or never” plan into action.
I launched my business Euphoriq in August 2020 during a time of uncertainty. Selling a range of sustainable, clean & cruelty free products, from skincare, grooming & wellness for Black skin and hair.
I was sampling out a lot of products & decided to give away freebies just because I appreciated people ordering in the first place; soaps, sheet masks, lip scrub, body butters & CBD oil.
I had a vision mood board of how I wanted to launch initially which obviously didn’t include social distancing.
My aim was to give back and support in ways that benefits the people in my community.
We want to provide support for those with mental health issues & encourage people in our community to try different methods to improve their confidence & wellness
And stay true to Euphoriq tag line ‘From Within To The Surface’ and Euphoriq’s values “uncompromising ethics & integrity, generosity & fearless persistence.”

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